“NO” Day in Greece

Dear Grandkids Who Can Read,
In 1940, Benito Mussolini planned to send his troops through Albania, then into Greece, and he wrote the Greek Prime Minister to tell him.
“OHI” (sounds like “OXI”) was the answer the Greek Prime Minister sent back to Mussolini
— NO!
People like Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England said this “NO” was largely responsible for the war not spreading more than it already had.
You’ve read or know about Homer and his Iliad and Odyssey. So you’ll GET what Churchill meant when he said this: “Hence, we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks.”

Today, in this village (Zacharo) the school kids marched and marched in honor of this “NO.” I watched from the balcony — you would have loved it!

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